9 Strange, Quirky and Unique Plugins
There are a lot of plugins out there, but most of them fall into a few simple categories: EQs, dynamics processors, time-based effects, saturation or pitch-shifting. However, there are a few quirky plugins that don’t quite fit into any category. Some plugins are capable of altering audio in ways that no other plugin can. Check out these innovative audio tools that can help take your mixes to a whole new level.
Brainworx bx_panEQ
At first glance, bx_panEQ may seem like just another equalizer plugin, but it’s actually a spatial equalizer that allows you to independently boost or cut at discrete pan positions in the stereo field. bx_panEQ features three parametric bell-curve filters with gain, frequency, EQ, and pan controls — as well as an innovative focus control that allows you to precisely regulate the panoramic width of your EQ adjustments.
This is an excerpt from an article originally posted on The Pro Audio Files. Read the full article here!