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6 Things Everyone Should Know When Starting Out in Pro Tools

Pro Tools is a complicated piece of software. It can be almost overwhelming, especially when you’re first starting out. Often, you can spend more time trying to figure how to do something than actually doing it.

It’s incredibly frustrating to have your project continually crash during a recording session. Or to have to record a whole new take because you don’t know how to punch in. Maybe you’re striving for perfection because you don’t know how to comp takes or quantize audio.

Part of being a good recording engineer is becoming efficient with your DAW of choice. Microphone selection and placement is only part of the job. Creativity is fleeting and some artists like to work fast—it’s important that you can keep up the pace on your end.

While efficient and necessary, keyboard shortcuts can only take you so far. And hey, anybody can sit in front of a computer and push "3" to record. Increase your workflow with the following six tips, so that you can spend more time actually making music.

This is an excerpt from 6 Things Everyone Should Know When Starting Out in Pro Tools, originally published by Reverb. Read the full version here.


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