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Slate Digital VMR: What Are the Analog Emulations in Virtual Mix Rack?
For decades plug-in manufacturers have been trying to capture the essence of analog signal processing in the digital domain — and they’ve...
10 Popular Reverb and Delay Plugins Not Based on Analog Gear
In the beginning, the only way to add depth to a track was by moving the mic further away from the sound source. Then, engineers...
6 Waves Plugins That Will Bring Your Drum Mixes to Life
Waves has been a staple in the audio community since they released the Q10 Paragraphic Equalizer in 1992. It was the first commercially...
6 EQ Plugins Modeled After Analog Hardware
Not all equalizers were created equal. You may think that boosting or cutting a frequency would sound the same regardless of the EQ used...
The Evolution of the Eventide Harmonizer
In the early 1980s, New Wave music was all the rage. It blended the explosive, edgy sound of punk rock with the computerized sounds of...
6 Tips To Take Your Mix To The Next Level With Bus Processing
A thin line separates a good mix from a great mix. Great mixes are balanced, with a powerful low-end and brilliant highs. They’re...
The Basics of Gain Staging Explained
Ever hear the phrase, “You can’t fit 10 pounds of stuff in a five-pound bag?” Well, gain staging is literally the art of doing just that....
Understanding Tape Machines And Emulating Their Sound
The recording process has changed a lot over the years. In the past, engineers used tube mics and analog preamps to record instruments...
How to Use Drum Samples to Make Your Drum Recordings Sound Better
Drummers have it tough. They have the biggest, bulkiest, and, often, most expensive instruments in the band. They usually take the...
How To Prevent Ear Fatigue
Mixing is a process of diminishing returns. You make a lot of improvements very quickly, but you make fewer improvements the longer you...
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